Renaissance Development Blog | Tuckpointing DC

Finding Balance in 2024: Here's to Restoring Your Historic Brick Home

Written by Christina Wilson | Dec 28, 2023 1:45:00 PM

With the new year upon us, it’s a good time to find some balance in our daily lives. One place where you should always feel comfortable and cozy is in your home. As an owner of a historic brick house, taking care of your home is an extension of taking care of yourself, so making a resolution to prioritize repairs and budgeting for restoration projects is undoubtedly worth the effort.

Goal One: Stay Warm with Window Upgrades

Most people only think of drafty windows in the winter season, but they affect your indoor climate year-round and wreak havoc on your energy bills. Today’s windows are designed to be energy-efficient and are available in many reproduction styles, so you can find a style that blends beautifully with the century in which your home was built. New windows reduce the risk of leaks, thanks to better seals and fresh caulking. Budget-wise, replacing every window in a single year may not be practical, and that’s okay. You can choose the room you spend the most time in or the room with the draftiest offenders and set the goal of replacing only those windows to begin with. This strategy enables you to make significant improvements without feeling overwhelmed.

Goal Two: Improve Your Historic Home’s Curb Appeal

There are plenty of options for rejuvenating your home’s entryway. New or freshly painted shutters can make your windows an appealing focal point. If you have a front porch, installing a new iron railing, (or restoring the existing one), painting your door, or simply installing a flagpole can change the ambiance of your entrance and create a welcoming atmosphere. However, if your porch or front stairs aren’t in great shape, it’s best to focus on function, by fixing the structure first. Doing so will still improve your curb appeal and give you peace of mind that your entry is safe and sound. 

Other options for curb appeal include installing or reconditioning a small patio, installing or repairing wooden fencing, fixing up your driveway or establishing some low-maintenance urban gardens. Remember, you don’t have to do everything at once. Review your budget and set a goal of completing one thing - always ensuring structural issues are addressed before aesthetic ones.

Goal Three: Tuckpointing Your Historic Brick Home

When it comes to structural issues, the best strategy is to prevent them from happening in the first place. Tuckpointing, or the art of repairing and replacing the mortar joints of your historic brick, is usually thought of in terms of keeping water out. While tuckpointing is obviously functional, don’t underestimate its power regarding curb appeal. In the hands of proper artisans, fresh tuckpointing gives your home crisp, clean lines and restores it to its original glory. It looks fabulous from the street, is essential to the structure, and enables you to relax, knowing your home is protected from the elements. 

Hiring a historic brick home expert is the key to a great tuckpointing job. They have the expertise to address any concerns and provide access to the craftspeople who specialize in traditional methods and materials, both of which are essential to a proper historic home repair. Since tuckpointing lasts for decades and sets a solid framework for future home improvements, make it your goal if you only have the ability to do one thing for your home this year.

The team at Renaissance Development wishes you all the best for the new year, and we look forward to helping you achieve your home improvement goals in 2024.

Specializing in historic brick preservation and repair, we have the knowledge and expertise to help you protect your home, now and for years to come. When it comes to preserving the historical integrity of your Washington, D.C. home, you can trust Renaissance Development. Contact us to learn more or to arrange a free consultation, and ask about our special December Promotion