Renaissance Development Blog | Tuckpointing DC

Neighborhood Spirit While Distancing

Written by Christina Wilson | Apr 16, 2020 8:29:38 PM

The coronavirus is now the in-your-face reality across the United States, and people are struggling to make the adjustments necessary to remain safe and curtail the outbreak. Washington DC residents can be encouraged by the recent YouTube videos of Italian singers and ordinary citizens leaning out their windows and off balconies to sing together. The videos have become viral because they spread something needed right now – joy! These talented and encouraging people have chosen to pass along something that is just as contagious as COVID-19 – and much more beneficial – a positive neighborhood spirit!

Sharing Life

Such a demonstration of unity and connection can be inspirational to us. Many DC families live in similar close-knit and closely-situated neighborhoods. Walk, bike, or drive through most residential neighborhoods and witness row homes that share walls, “postage-stamp” front yards, and even have front stoops or porches that all but touch. 

During a time of enforced separation, neighbors can still demonstrate solidarity and community spirit by sharing a socially acceptable visit across narrow voids. Revive the bygone days of sitting on the porch and talking with your neighbors, sharing life and stories. Instead of allowing mandated social distancing to force us apart, use it as a guideline for just how much we CAN interact safely with those around us. 

All too often, families do not know their neighbors well. This can be a time to form new relationships that could have an incredible impact for good in your life. You could uncover a virtual treasure trove of friendship living just a few feet away that you never knew existed. You could also discover a person with needs that you can meet. During times like these, Americans have traditionally pulled together and looked out for one another. We can still do that - even masked and at a distance of 6’ or more! 

Displaying Life 

Another way to show solidarity and pride is by taking advantage of spring opportunities. Although you may not be able to venture far, get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Trim trees, plant flowers or a whole garden. Maybe it is time to build, expand or resurface that patio area or otherwise spruce up your home’s exterior. Let your entire home’s presentation to the world say “Hello!” and “Neighborhood Pride!” 

In addition to the beautification aspects, the outdoor activity provides much-needed exercise, which is important to mental as well as physical health. During a period of closures that eliminate trips to the gym, "working out" in your own yard is still an option. Yardwork provides some of the best exercise available and uses many muscle groups. 

Renaissance Development wants everyone to stay safe and take the necessary precautions to avoid possible spread of the virus and help ‘flatten the curve’ during the current pandemic. But we also want to encourage our DC-area friends and neighbors to pass along something that is equally contagious – and much more beneficial – a positive neighborhood spirit! 

We’re all in this together, so let’s be positive in our interactions with those who live around us.